Jack Russell Terrier Research Foundation
In 1997, the Jack Russell Terrier Research Foundation (JRTRF) was incorporated as a non-profit organization. With support provided by the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America (JRTCA), Jack Russell owners concerned about the genetic health of the terrier formed the Foundation. See: The History of the JRTRF
The Jack Russell Terrier Research Foundation will encourage, promote and support the development and/or maintenance of research related to genetic defects found in the Jack Russell Terrier by, among other means, making gifts or grants to other Section 501(c)(3) organizations engaged in such research.
Through public education our goal is to minimize hereditary disorders to the Jack Russell Terrier resulting from misbreeding.
All breeds of dogs seem to have their own particular set of faults and inherited defects and the Jack Russell Terrier is no exception. Although the Jack Russell has not been overrun with problems, as the popularity of the breed grows, so will the defects.
Additional JRTRF Links
- History of the Jack Russell Terrier Research Foundation
- Board of Directors of the JRTRF
- External Links/Resources
- Upcoming Events (blood draws, etc)