Did you know that you can submit blood to the DNA bank at any time? You don’t have to do it at a trial. It can be super convenient to have blood drawn at a trial where it is being offered, but not all of us can get to those trials and some of us don’t attend trials. That doesn’t mean you can’t do your part to help us help our breed. Yes, even those spayed and neutered pets! Here’s how! (This information is geared toward those terrier owners in the Continental US due to the need to keep samples on ice and shipped next day)
So, what do you need? Firstly, your Jack Russell Terrier needs to have a pedigree. This is needed to connect the terrier to the correct family as genetic research is most valuable, efficient, and successful with full family information.
Second, you need to complete an Individual Genetic Data form that can be found in our Forms Library.
If you would like to order genetic tests done on that blood at the time of submission, you will also need to include the UMC Canine DNA Testing for Jack Russell Terriers form that is found on the same page. You should have three copies of all paperwork… one to send with the blood sample, one to send to Dr. Ruth Wilburn with the JRTRF Genetic Survey, and one for your records. If you are ordering tests on the samples at the time of submission, you will need to send payment for those as well.
Third, you will need purple topped tubes to collect the blood sample. Vets have these on hand, but if you need them, you can contact Debbie Johnson to have some sent to you. Blood can be pulled by a vet, vet tech, or anyone able to do so. Samples will need to be kept cool, but not frozen. Freezing causes the cells to burst and they are then unusable. 5-10 cc of blood are desirable.
Please be sure to LABEL THE SAMPLE with the dog’s call name and owner’s last name. If you are sending several, please also number the forms and tubes. Dog A’s form would be number 1 and Dog A’s sample would also be number 1, for example. The tubes have stickers on them already for you to be able to write this information on them. Please be sure to do this legibly so there is no confusion as to what sample goes with what paperwork.
Shipping – Ideally the sample should be shipped immediately. If samples are held for a day or over a weekend, blood must be refrigerated, Ship via overnight delivery (US Mail, UPS, or FedEx). Do not send on a Friday – there will not be anyone to accept the delivery on a weekend, and the sample could be unusable by Monday. Pack in a small insulated container (most vets have these for shipping samples to labs), with one or more cool packs – it is important that blood samples be kept cool but not frozen.
The delivery address is:
Dr. Gary Johnson
Jack Russell Terrier DNA Research
320 Connaway Hall University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211
The address for the second set of paperwork is:
Dr. Ruth Wilburn, DVM
Genetic Survey
10368 Goodman Road
Olive Branch, MS 38654
There is no cost to submit DNA to the bank. If you order testing to be done on blood submitted, the tests must be paid for with the request, but tests can be ordered at a later time, too. Many vets will offer discounts or even pull blood free of charge once it is explained to them what it is for. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!